0xB22C05CeDbF879a661fcc566B5a759d005Cf7b4C (Etherscan)
0xDD97FCe8441dABf221B330269750B18bA82b0CD6 (Etherscan)
0xFb063b1ae6471E6795d6ad1FC7f47c1cAb1f3422 (Etherscan)
Official Links
➬ https://www.love.game/
➬ https://twitter.com/LoveTokenEth
➬ https://t.me/loveethereum
➬ https://t.me/loveethereumchina
📢 This is a living document that will be updated as more information becomes available.
Launch Timeline & Overview
- $LOVE smart contract will be on Ethereum Mainnet
- Community will review contract code for transparency and safety
- Transactions via love.game UI enabled after code review period
- Eligible wallet holders can claim $LOVE on love.game UI
- Anyone can buy/sell $LOVE tokens but must own ≥1 token for interaction
- To get ≥1 $LOVE token: purchase or obtain from existing holder
- Revenue mechanisms managed by $LOVE token holders
- Token liquidity supported by holders through yield incentives on bonding curve
Purchasing $LOVE Tokens
- The $LOVE smart contract will be deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet. To ensure transparency and safety, we'll provide a few hours for the community to review the contract code. Only after this review period, we'll enable transactions to occur through the love.game user interface (UI).
- Once transactions are allowed, those with eligible wallets can claim $LOVE tokens via the love.game UI. Any individual will have the capacity to buy and sell $LOVE tokens.